Hi, I’m Ma’at Cokely.

From the very beginning my true passion, love, and concern to please my clients has always driven me to stand above the pack. I am a scientist at heart and cosmetologist by trade. My current goals are to complete my degree by the end of 2025 in Biology with a Chemistry minor with aspirations to also pursue cosmetic product formulation. My science background helps me tremendously to keep myself and my clients educated, in this enormous beauty industry. "Chemists don't do hair, and hair stylists don't know chemistry." I have a life long mission and duty to bridge the gap between these two strongly connected fields and use it to further promote healthy hair. Style and creativity never takes a back seat however, my imagination and creativity is limitless.

My Approach


As a Healthy Hair Care Specialist my job is to match functionality with great style. My goal is to educate you on how to practically take your hair goals, inherited genetics, and lifestyle needs to create a plan to have the hair of your dreams. Rome wasn’t built in a day however. I am here every step of the way to partner with you to maintain your intention, effort, and consistency taking better care of your hair.


Goal Setting + Functionality

Every path starts with a destination. Once we identify where you would like to be with your hair we can start to do the real work and carve out a plan for success. Lifestyle matters as well. We tend to create our good and unhealthy hair habits based upon how we live. Your hair goals must be able to functionally fit in your lifestyle to give you the best chance to stay committed.


To create a viable plan we must start to first create a realistic picture of what we have, and what we can achieve. When it comes to hair, most things cannot trump genetics. However we can do everything possible to enhance and master the best version of the hair God has given you. Once we understand our starting position we can continue to carve out the path moving forward.